Qualia Communications Timo Teichert
Time-saving plugins for Lightwave

Presenting Gradient Node Builder

Quickly build complex gradient nodes according to your needs with Gradient Node Builder. Ideal for texturing instances, e.g. to visualize statistical data or decorate a starship's cockpit.

Run Gradient Node Builder, define all general setting in the panel and specify the remaining properties in a spreadsheet or text file.

Your desired node is instantly built based on panel settings and file content.

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Presenting Six-points-to-four-quads


Avoid the creation of tiny quads and create a cleaner polygon flow with Six-points-to-four-quads. The plugin is ideal for modelling 3D Text with subdivision surfaces (SubDs).

Select a multiple of six points (selection order does not matter!) that make up end caps and run the plugin.

For each set of six points a four-quad configuration will be created - as suggested by William Vaughan in his book [digital] Modeling.

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Announcing Supportive Cuts

Supportive Cuts

Maintain the original shape of a polygon mesh when turning it into a SubD mesh with Supportive cuts. Ideal for modeling 3D Text with subdivision surfaces (SubDs).

Select all adjecent quads (selection order does not matter!) that share the edges that need support and run Supportive cuts.

Next to each edge that is shared by two selected quads, two supportive cuts are being made - as suggested by William Vaughan in his book [digital] Modeling.

Available in summer 2016

Announcing Point-to-Polys


Remove "spiders" and keep a smooth polygon flow. Ideal for modeling with subdivision surfaces (SubDs).

Select one point that is completely surrounded by quads and run Point-to-Polys.

The selected points and all surrounded polygons are replaces by quads.

Available in autumn 2016